Designated Professionals Looked After Children’s (LAC) Education Forum.

Looked After Children Forum continue to support clinical leadership to local child safeguarding systems; with an ongoing aim to ensure a holistic and multi-disciplinary approach to the management of all Looked After Children, in line with RCPCH recommendations.

During the last year the Forum have continued to provide opportunities for CPD, peer review and audit. The group is led by Dr Sraboni Dasgupta, Associate Specialist at Birmingham Community Healthcare NHSFT and Dr Fiona Goodwin, Consultant Paediatrician at Wye Valley NHS Trust; with Forum meetings always incorporating an education element to them.

The LAC Forum have formed links with the Head of Safeguarding within the NHS England (National Team) and have maintained links with CoramBAAF. Over the next year, the Forum plan to ensure work links well with Commissioners, highlighting any significant issues and working closely together for the benefit of the Children and Young People across the Midlands.

The group held their most recent study day and it was attended by 60 LAC professionals from across the West and East Midlands and beyond.

If you registered for the event on 24.04.2024 and would like to revisit the slides please click here to access the Presentations and enter the password provided by PiP in your recent email.


Partners in Paediatrics LAC

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