Andrew Hughes – Chairman 

In his role of Chair, Andrew provides guidance, leadership and structure to PiP; ensuring his oversight constructively challenges the work of our small team, steering it in the direction of the greatest gain for the member organisations, and most importantly for the children and young people served by our health economy.

Andrew is an experienced executive and non-executive director in the public and charitable sectors, including time as a board member at three of our member organisations. He is Change Director at the Good Governance Institute, working across the country with boards and governing bodies of health, education and third sector organisations to improve vision, strategy and leadership. His broader portfolio includes being safeguarding trustee of Teenage Cancer Trust and an expert advisor to The Donna Louise Children’s and Young People’s Hospice in Stoke-on-Trent.


Mary Passant – Partnership Director

Mary brings to PiP a long and successful career in the NHS, starting out as a Paediatric Nurse, and later developing strong network skills as the Lead Nurse and Network Manager setting up the Southern West Midlands Neonatal Network. Moving her career into the commissioning arm, Mary started her collaborative work with PiP when she led the Maternity and Children’s Strategic Clinical Network for NHS England.

These days, alongside her role in PiP, Mary leads large transformation projects, including a recent Programme Manager role for Birmingham United Maternity and Neonatal Programme; and now leading the development of a new Neonatal service in Alder Hay Children’s and Liverpool Women’s Hospital. Mary’s role in PiP includes leading the engagement and partnership discussions with both new and prospective members; and ensuring the future of PiP’s work programme remains in line with regional and national policy and priorities.

Steve Cropper

Steve Cropper – Academic Advisor

Steve has been involved with PiP right from the start. He facilitated the meetings in 1997-8 to explore whether a collaborative forum for children’s services would command support and what it would look like. When PiP was formally established, he was invited to join the core group and Steering Group/Board, to ensure PiP’s work is rooted in good theory and an evidence base and to draw learning from PiP’s experiences. He has supported a number of PiP projects, including the multi-agency work on child sexual abuse services.

He is Professor of Management at Keele University, where he has specialised in the management of public services, running a range of Masters courses and a programme of professional doctorates. Steve’s research focuses on inter-organisational partnerships, alliances and networks. His publications include a number on PiP itself and on PiP’s work on paediatric managed clinical networks. Steve also chairs the Academy Council of Blackfriars Academy, a special school in Newcastle under Lyme, and is governor of a Willaston primary academy in Cheshire.

Dr Anjum Gandhi – Clinical Lead

Anjum joins PiP this year as Clinical Lead; bringing his extensive wealth of clinical experience and leadership into the organisation.

Ally Davies

Ally Davies – Project Lead

Ally has worked as a keen advocate for Networks in the NHS, since working for the Pan Birmingham Cancer Network over a decade ago; later working for a number of Clinical Networks under NHS England and then moving on to develop the West Midlands Paediatric Critical Care Network from inception.

Ally’s career has focused on transformation and she currently works as Associate Director of Quality Improvement for Birmingham Women’s and Children’s Hospital NHSFT. As Project Lead for PiP, Ally supports the delivery of key outcomes and products as requested by PiP members.

Amanda Turner – Partnership Manager

Amanda has over 20 years’ experience in the dental profession; spending many of those at the front line as a dental nurse, trainer, and practice manager and subsequently as a Compliance Manager, consulting with organisations and ensuring they meet all statutory compliance in line with CQC and General Dental Council regulations.

She has worked for PiP for four years and is currently the organisation manager. Within this role Amanda acts network facilitator, event coordinator, project management support.

Amanda has also spent time within the QI team and Birmingham Women’s & Children’s Hospital as project support.

Details of Board/Committee of Members meetings



Venue: TBC

Board Member Responsibilities Summary


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